ID: C.BF.2.002
Name: Sharrjararal
Alias: The Violent / Grandmother of Violence / The First Tyrant
Race: Dreadhound
Status: Long Dead
Gender: She/her
Height: 27 (All time record)
Weight: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Home Region: Unknown (Suspected: Casaderea)
Affiliation: Unknown
Occupation: Mad Tyrant Queen
Mate(s): Unknown (Suspected None)
Descendants: Unknown (Suspected None)
Ascendants: Unknown
Sharrjararal had been the largest of their kind ever recorded, a hulking brute of twenty-seven feet. A wall of impenetrable muscle and menace,
she had been neigh unstoppable in The Howling. Standing taller than the once proud sables, dwarfing them by seven or eight feet. Her teeth crooked
and many. Sharrjararal’s reign was one of insanity, her mind had clearly gone long ago. It was a time of suffering for the general people. Sharrjararal’s
skull shows many signs of infection, it was theorized that some sort of infection may have rotted her mind and caused such inexplicable mania. Her first act
was to berate the existing court and then dismiss them all. Killing several in the process.
She made fun of the courts supposed weakness, in an act that would
only go down for what it was, inexplicable mania. She appointed several inanimate objects to seats of government, a broom was recorded to hold the seat
of a position akin to a Sakin. Only three Dragomii found themselves possing a seat, and one was half eaten and dead according to the records of an unknown
Sharrjararal would meet her end at supposedly a competitor for the crown. Though the information is exceedingly muddy, since after her slaying. It would seem
that Fort Meshikarrrna fell apart, what seeds of civilization that were born had now scattered to the winds.
Sharrjararal is also suspected to be the lover in the Lament of The Hiros. With the two being seen close in ancient carvings, one depicting Sharrjararal
on her knees before The Hiros. Who became distant after Sharrjararal took the throne.
Fur: Unknown
Traits: Hyperdontia / Crooked Horn
Genotype: Unknown
Phenotype: Unknown
------------------------------------------DRR1: Unknown
-----------------DR1: Unknown
------------------------------------------AR2: Unknown
Dominant Parent: Unknown
------------------------------------------DRR3: Unknown
-----------------A2: Unknown
------------------------------------------AR4: Unknown
------------------------------------------DRR5: Unknown
----------------- DR3: Unknown
------------------------------------------AR6: Unknown
Parent 2: Unknown
------------------------------------------DRR7: Unknown
-----------------A4: Unknown
------------------------------------------AR8: Unknown
Design by: Agruleus
Morkélayé morin Üʐbek Helgager
E’Dajarr-Moriunga Ken
Morkélayé morin Üʐbek Helgager
Rétir Nienlt-Re’rhunʐ
Kenkàr E’Reelk
Kenkàr E’Saleʐ
Kenkàr Tirionàgier Kéniyàk
Kenkàr E’Altiaré’Isctei
Morkélayé morin Üʐbek Öüngar
E’Dajirgarth- Seiken Thʐɸeni
Morkélayé morin Üʐbek Öüngar
E’Dajrovovnoʐ-Moriunga Ken
Seisen Teithd Bràretir
Kenkàr E’Dajarr E’Keni
Kenkàr E’Dajarr E’Isha
Helgager. Ger. Helgager
Kenkàr E’Altiaré’Isctei
Keni Kerɸthauʐ Sentedn Teithd Dajarr
Keni Kivsegier E’Beüʐ
Ahgrt Retrishà
Kenkàr E’Reelk
Kenkàr E’Saleʐ
Morkélayé morin Üʐbek Helgager
E’Dajarr-Moriunga Ken
Morkélayé morin Üʐbek Öüngar
E’Dajirgarth- Seiken Thʐɸeni
This won’t ever end cause’ I want more
The dead. Feed it me.
This won’t ever end cause’ I want more
Bones crushed. In Maw
I am That Wheel.
I am That Pillar.
I am Violence Itself.
I am a God Among Kind.
This won’t ever end cause’ I crave more
The blood. Let me bathe.
This won’t ever end cause’ I crave more
The Gore. Feed it me
Let me see them Writhe.
I Am the Death of Mine.
I Am The Death of Kind.
I want more. More. Give me more.
I am a God Among Kind.
Mine snarl of Face.
Passed down your line.
I am That Wheel.
I am That Pillar.
This won’t ever end cause’ I want more
The dead. Feed it me.
This won’t ever end cause’ I crave more
The blood. Let me bathe.